Thursday, December 2, 2010

SMARTboard Tool Directions: My Preposition Activity

This can be used with any lesson where you want students to drag and place one image onto another.

Preposition Activity (Inserted background)

Open a new Page in your NOTEBOOK software.

On the RIGHT side of the page, look for the image of the picture within a frame (below white paper, above paperclip) CLICK one time.

Click on ENGLISH AND LANGUAGE ARTS and then STORYTELLING. Then, look below this set of links and click on “Notebook Files and Pages”

Use the scrollbar to review all options, then select the background you like, and drag it to the blank page.

To see your background, click on the “piece of paper” icon on the right side of your screen. If you want to delete a page, select it. A small grey box should appear in the top right corner of the picture. Click on the black arrow inside the box. A menu will appear and you will be able to “delete page.”

Continue to scroll down to “People” to fill in your background. You can drag and drop, or delete people as you wish.

To resize an image, click on it; then use the white circle in the bottom right corner to drag it to the size you want. The Green circle at the top of the page allows you to rotate the image.

Throughout the gallery, you will find many pictures and images you wish to use. I found the mouse I used for my preposition activity under “Nursery Rhymes” and “Hickory Dickory Dock.” You will want to use the “order” option under the menu in the grey box to bring your mouse forward on the page.

This is not a perfect science, you will have to play around, and be willing to suspend your disbelief… the kids like it, though!